ODS de las NN. UU., NNZ: ODS 8

Promover el crecimiento económico sostenido, inclusivo y sostenible, el empleo pleno y productivo, y el trabajo decente para todos

El crecimiento económico sostenible e inclusivo puede llevarnos al progresa, a crear empleos decentes para todos y mejorar los niveles de vida.


NNZ contributes to the specific SDG 8.8 (UN): Protect labor rights and promote safe and secure working environments for all workers, by:


1. Securing well-being of NNZ employees: trust, vitality, employability.

  • Our HR policy aims to protect the NNZ culture and provide a platform for vitality and sustainable employability in the organization. At NNZ, management gives trust and expects employees to be in good faith.
  • The four P’s on which trust rests are Passion, Pleasure, Personal and Plan.


2. Vitality and sustainable employability is an active and lasting interaction between employee and manager. The ultimate responsibility for vitality and for sustainable employability lies with the employee himself. The manager acts as a coach. The aim here is twofold: realizing the need for employees to take personal responsibility and for the manager the alertness and skill to provide timely and appropriate support. To achieve its goals and then translate these into conditions that promote health, well-being and effectiveness efforts are required from management and the employee.

  •  The NNZ management is responsible for good employment practices, ensuring an open culture with facilitating and inspiring managers and a structural policy regarding the development of employees;
  •  The NNZ employee is responsible for sustainable employability, ensuring optimization of your own employability and remaining employable. It concerns, health aspects of employability and the fit between the ambitions of the organization and the employee in areas such as knowledge, competences, and skills.


3. Securing well-being of our suppliers’ employees. Auditing supplier’s production location on abiding labor rights and safe and secure working conditions for all workers. Suppliers sign and abide the NNZ suppliers code of conduct with respect to employment, human rights and ethical conduct.

  • NNZ is member of Sedex;
  • Suppliers must in their treatment of employees adhere to the International Labor Organization standards and other applicable laws and regulations in the field of health and safety, minimum living wages, maximum working hours and acceptable living conditions and refrain from all discriminatory recruitment practices;
  • Suppliers must respect the fundamental human rights of their employees, adhering to International Labor Organization standards in the field of non-discrimination, child labor, forced labor, collective bargaining, and freedom of association;
  • Suppliers should also respect the human rights of the local communities in the countries in which they operate. The highest standards of ethical, moral, and lawful conduct are expected of our suppliers. We expect suppliers, and their agents and contractors, to be familiar with and observe all laws and contractual obligations relating to their business activities, and we will not condone conduct that is unlawful or that violates such obligations. We further prohibit the offer or receipt of gifts, hospitality, or expenses whenever such arrangements could affect the outcome of business transactions and are not reasonable and bona fide expenditures.
  • Ensuring sustainable economic growth for our employees


4. Since its foundation in 1922, NNZ has worked on the continuity of the company. To be able to guarantee this:

  • Drawing up a long-term plan every 3 years that is based on the four pillars of sustainability;
  • Minimizing business risk through geographical spread over agricultural and industrial markets;
  • Acquisition of companies with alike culture only.


Identificamos las oportunidades de sostenibilidad y las concretamos en compromisos en el mundo real!

Soluciones estratégicas mundiales
De confianza y éticos


Colaboraciones a largo plazo
Trabajo en equipo
#Repensar la innovación
Logística de servicios completa


Independent advice
Asesores independientes
Perspectivas de innovación
Catálogo amplio

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