Envases al por menor para frutas y verduras
Repensar, reinventar, rediseñar, investigar, reciclar su catálogo de envases
La innovación como parte de nuestras soluciones.
The 2021 ‘EU circular Economy Action Plan’ reiterates the objective to make all packaging reusable or recyclable in an economically viable way by 2030. This plan is one of the major building blocks of the European Green Deal where the EU sets out the steps for the transition to a circular economy.
Thanks to the fact that we are an independent advisor with a broad portfolio and unique #Rethink approach we can support you to make your portfolio more sustainable today and in the future.
Our #Rethink approach starts with an assessment of your current packaging materials, packaging strategy and sustainability targets. We provide facts for the different packaging options: environmental impact, expected shelf life, cost levels and market impact. With this data at hand you can choose the packaging material and design that best fits your sustainable packaging strategies.
Repensemos, reinventemos, rediseñemos, investiguemos, reciclemos su catálogo de envases.
Las opciones de envasado afectan directamente al impacto de la sostenibilidad de su producto y marca. Comprender los impactos, normalmente invisibles, de sus envases puede resultar difícil. ¿Cómo puede elegir la solución de envasado correcta? Para ayudarle a tomar una decisión con basada en los hechos sobre sus materiales de envasado, le ofrecemos un servicio de cálculo del impacto medioambiental: huella de carbono, uso energético y uso del agua. Tras el cálculo de la huella medioambiental, tomamos la reciclabilidad, el desperdicio alimentario, el impacto en el mercado y el coste de los materiales y los incluimos en la ecuación, en nuestro método #Repensar. Con el método #Repensar, podemos ayudarlo a escoger el material de envasado y el diseño que mejor encaje en sus estrategias de envasado sostenible.
Our #Rethink approach explained:
En esta etapa empezamos a reinventar sus materiales de envasado. Saliéndonos de lo típico, buscamos maneras de usar menos materiales, o materiales que sean diferentes, con una sola cosa en mente: cómo proteger sus productos mejor, cómo mantenerlos frescos durante más tiempo. Un paso importante para evitar el desperdicio alimentario. Desarrollamos nuevos productos y siempre los validamos mediante rigurosos prototipos y pruebas de mercado.
Example: Bio Paper-Vento compostable paper grade for VFFS
When redesigning your packaging components we are also looking at ways to improve handling and the possible solutions for automation. Prototyping and market testing are again an essential part when redesigning your packaging solutions.
Example: Snap-Log closure for net bags for firewood
Example: Wicket net bags for automation of onion packaging
Apart from introducing this type of net bag worldwide to support automation, we also invested in the development of a laser marking technique which allows for detailed customised marking on the wicket top of the net bag. Please be invited to connect with us for more details!
Example: Mega FIBC builders bag
At NNZ we develop products anticipating on market trends. We continuously collect insights at all our affiliates and arrange special ‘innovation café’s’ where employees, together with top design experts, generate ideas. The very best ideas are then developed into prototypes. These are presented to our customer base to spark interest. We also conduct quantitative and qualitative research to validate products and collect consumer insights to underpin decision making.
Example NNZ market research
Recycling is at the core of a successful circular economy for packaging material. For this purpose we always aim to meet four conditions:
Examples NNZ webinars
Recycling of packaging materials is a most debated topic. At NNZ we contribute to a common understanding by hosting webinars for colleagues, customers and suppliers. We invite industry experts to enrich our webinars with up to date trends and technologies. Sharing is caring!
Example: NNZ project food-to-food recycling of plastic trays
NNZ works with Filigrade to implement new technology using curved embossing on PP and PET trays. This will allow food-2-food recycling of PP and PET trays in the very near future. Our PET trays have a perfect 96%+ readability in the pilot sorting lines!
Soluciones estratégicas mundiales
De confianza y éticos
Colaboraciones a largo plazo
Trabajo en equipo
#Repensar la innovación
Logística de servicios completa
Independent advice
Asesores independientes
Perspectivas de innovación
Catálogo amplio
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