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Reformulando desde 1922, ¡y solo hemos empezado!
22 de octubre de 2022: 100 años de NNZ
Desde 1922, NNZ ha estado reformulando el envasado No solo creando soluciones innovadoras para nuestros clientes. También reformulando la propia organización continuamente. Solo de este modo podemos atender a nuestros clientes de la mejor forma posible. Déjenos que le contemos nuestra aventura durante todas estas décadas desde 1922:
Liderando 1922-1930
Nuestra primera década se centró en ser líderes: El fundador Rien Boot (1889-1964) creó la historia de NNZ (Noord Nederlandsche Zakkenhandel) en 1922. La primera sucursal fue un almacén en Groningen llamado Libau, que pronto se convirtió en 1924 en un edificio en Hoornsche Diep in Groningen. Los pasos de liderazgo abarcan: viajes al exterior, a los estados del Báltico, a Chequia y a Hungría. Asimismo, la compra de bolsas de yute y de bolsas de tela en Pakistán, la Indica y Bangladesh. En 1928, los ingresos alcanzaron 334,000 NLG.
Exploradores 1930-1940
Nuestra segunda década giró en torno a la exploración: Leendert Boot (1911-1972) viajó a cada rincón de Europa para buscar oportunidades de negocio. En 1939 visitó incluso América y estableció contacto con una fábrica de azúcar. En América, compró papel y algodón, que trajo en buque hasta los Países Bajos a bordo de la compañía Holland America Line.
Dedicación 1940-1950
Nuestra tercera década se centró en la dedicación: Para satisfacer la creciente demanda tras la guerra, Leendert retomó de nuevo sus viajes. En 1947 adquirió las bolsas de yute en los Estados Unidos y Canadá. Las bolsas de papel multicapa se añadieron al surtido y se inició una unión temporal con la empresa American Chase Bag company, como respuesta al desarrollo de España como principal mercado de ventas de las bolsas de cebolla.
Confianza 1950-1960
Nuestra cuarta década tuvo que ver con la confianza. Las entregas de confianza y la integridad empresarial hacen progresar a la empresa. En 1954, el segundo hijo de Rien Boot, Wim Boot, se unió a la empresa. En 1957, NNZ tenía unos 50 empleados y celebró la apertura de una nueva ubicación con su primera máquina de impresión de yute.
Cambios 1960-1970
Nuestra quinta década fue de cambios, los la década de los sesenta del siglo XX se vieron afectados por las nuevas aventuras en las que NNZ se embarcó. Nuevos materiales de envasado, como sacos de lino, sacos de papel multicapa, cartón, el polipropileno y el polietileno empezaron a tener un papel cada vez más importante. Con la partida del Sr. Boot Sr. el 1 de diciembre de 1961, Leender y Wim Boot se convirtieron en directores de NNZ.
1970-1980 Rebranding
Our 6th decade revolved around rebranding NNZ. In 1970 Wim Boot decided to change the name ‘Noord Nederlandsche Zakkenhandel N.V.’ into ‘NNZ industrial packaging bv.’. This was decided because of the increasing international contacts and the product range that was no longer limited to bags but included many other types of packaging.
1980-1990 Geographic expansion
Our 7th decade revolved around the start of geographic expansion. In 1983, the company opened its first office in Germany, and two years later it opened its own sales office in Roswell, Georgia, under the management of Marco Boot. By 1998, NNZ had 100 employees, 14 international branches and doubled its turnover in five years to approximately NLG 100 million.
1990-2000 Repositioning
Our 8th decade revolved around repositioning. Len Boot joined NNZ and repositioned NNZ as an independent advisor that offered the best packaging solutions for its customers and skipped its own production. He started a research and development department which led to a series of award-winning packaging products such as Carry-Fresh, Liqui-Sorb and Twin-Bag.
2000-2010 Visionary
Our 9th decade revolved around a new vision. In June 2002, a new logo and tag-line were introduced: NNZ the packaging network. NNZ grew into the hub of an international network of producers, packers, distributors, universities, governments and customers. From 2004, Len Boot, the third generation, led the company. On 11 May 2007, NNZ opened a new and sustainable office in Groningen for NNZ Benelux and the NNZ Group. ISO and BRC certifications crowns the quality of the company’s processes and products.
2010-2020 Multinational
Our 10th decade revolved around multinational. NNZ is a market leader for transport, wholesale and consumer packaging for produce. The company continues its growth path in industrial packaging. The company reached a turnover of €170 million, employs 250 people and has 22 own subsidiaries in 18 countries. The company also has an international network of companies with which it collaborates in more than 50 countries around the world.
2020-today Reshaping
Today, NNZ continues to grow as a multinational packaging company serving customers in produce and industrial markets through its strategy of customer intimacy and service, with emphasis on sustainability and innovation in all aspects of our activities. NNZ has been reshaping itself, its products and services since 1922, and has only just begun!
The credo of the three successive generations of Boot has always been: NNZ is first and foremost about people, secondly about people and thirdly about people. This vision of the company’s ‘personality’ has, of course, been largely influenced by the various generations of Boot. Entrepreneurship, passion, harmony and partnership are core values of the family culture. The Boot family is 100% shareholder, and the interests of the company always come first.
With our reshaping approach, NNZ focuses on logistics and packaging solutions that are better for the world, customers and consumers. Even though high-quality packaging is already contributing to our environment, the ultimate goal is: 100% circularity of packaging. Sustainability – or in other words: the continuity of people, companies and the world – is the connecting factor within the company. The vision that NNZ has always had on entrepreneurship is that you must be prepared for the future, be innovative in all its aspects, whether it concerns organisation, markets, products, you must continue to innovate. Our society cannot exist without packaging. We do everything we can to inspire our clients and partners with our reshaping purpose.
Soluciones estratégicas mundiales
De confianza y éticos
Colaboraciones a largo plazo
Trabajo en equipo
#Repensar la innovación
Logística de servicios completa
Independent advice
Asesores independientes
Perspectivas de innovación
Catálogo amplio
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